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“Lo, upon the fell'd twilight of Æons passed, there walked among mortals one of name not known, yet borne forth as Vibstar unto the heavens, whose fame reached unto the farthest ends of the veiled realms. Herein lies the record of their fabled works, wondrous and fearful, as inked by trembling hand in the language of the Olde Tongue.”

I. The Turning of the Firmament

“In the age where the stars wept no more and the sky did buckle ‘neath the weight of dread magicks, did Vibstar raise up their voice. Upon the hill of blackened oak, they spake a word long forgotten by the wise, a word which none dareth to repeat, for it held within it the breath of gods. With but a whisper did they unravel the very firmament, and the stars, long stagnant, were set to spinning once more, alight in the sky in patterns unknown to men. This deed was hailed by the Seven Seers of Tëora, who prostrated themselves at the feet of Vibstar, beseeching their wisdom.”

II. The Feast of Ætheric Delights

“Gathered ‘round the table of the dead, the Fallen one prepared a feast, not of flesh nor bread, but of æther and dream. With but a flick of their hand, from the dust of the air and the whispers of the wind, there came forth sustenance beyond reckoning. ‘Twas said that whosoever partook in this feast was granted visions of realms unseen, and their very souls would soar unto the heavens as if borne upon the wings of flame. Of this feast, didst the Epicureans writ in secret verse: 'Sweet unto the tongue, the world melted away, and in blissful flight did we fall, yet never did we strike the earth.'”

III. The Blinding of the Wyrm of Jhenúr

“In the darkened days when the Wyrm of Jhenúr, whose maw swallowed the light of the three moons, did rise to claim dominion o’er the lowlands, there stood none against its wrath but Vibstar. Armed not with blade nor shield, but with naught but their will and the darkened sigils of Amarathis, the Fallen drew forth a prism of smoke, ensnaring the wyrm’s many eyes within. With the utterance of the Sigillum Mortis, the beast’s sight was undone. And thence it stumbled, no longer the terror of man, blind and groping in the void it once created.”

IV. The Shattering of the Scepter of Hythos

“In those days, the Scepter of Hythos did govern the tides of the celestial ocean, for whosoever wielded it held sway o’er life and death itself. Vibstar, seeing that no one hand ought bear such a burden, sought the scepter in the heart of the lost city of Kaetheon. Through trials of mind and soul did they journey, til at last, they stood in the chamber of the scepter, its light bathing them in the glow of creation itself. With one strike, they shattered the scepter upon the altar of the fallen god Hythos, and its shards scattered unto the wind. In so doing, they released the fates of all creatures from the cruel grasp of the stars, setting them free to walk paths of their own making.”

V. The Enchantment of the Golden Fields

"In the days when the Golden Fields of Aeletheria were blighted by an unseen hand, and no seed sprouted nor leaf unfurled, there arose great wailing from the people. They came in throngs to the council of wizards, beseeching aid, yet all were silent, for no spell in their tomes could lift the curse that lay upon the land. Then did Vibstar, with languid grace and a smile upon their lips, descend from their hidden abode, drawn not by duty, but by the challenge of the unknown. With a chalice in hand, they traversed the barren land, their cloak billowing like the night wind. At the edge of the fields, where earth met void, Vibstar performed the Ritual of Verdant Sleep, known to none but the most ancient of Amarathist followers. With each sip of the elixir they had brewed—crafted from the dew of dawn and the petals of dream—they whispered to the earth in tongues long lost. The fields stirred as though awakening from slumber. Roots crept from the soil, twisting in patterns unseen, and from the barren ground did blossom the flora of a thousand years. Wheat of gold, more radiant than ever before, stretched unto the heavens, and all who beheld it fell to their knees, singing praises to the Fallen, whose hand had woven life from the threads of despair.”_

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